Academic Integrity

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia and CEC’s mission is to foster a community of trust that will enhance student achievement. It is in that spirit of mutual trust that we uphold the highest ethical academic standards.

Academic Integrity Policy

Academic Integrity or honesty includes but is not limited to:

  • Producing one's own work;
  • Attributing others' work according to the Modern Language Association(MLA) guidelines;
  • Abiding by the rules and regulations set forth by individual school policies;
  • Maintaining honor and trust in all academic affairs;

Cheating includes but is not limited to:

  • Copying or allowing others to copy from someone's work (tests, assignments, etc.);
  • Unauthorized use of electronic devices, i.e. netbooks, calculators, cell phones, smart phones, I-Pads, Language Translators, etc.);
  • Sabotaging the projects or experiments of others;
  • Altering of a graded assessment and resubmitting it in another course without the teacher's permission or knowledge;
  • Seeking unauthorized assistance on take-home or make-up assignments or assessments;

Plagiarism includes but is not limited to:

  • Using another person's words, ideas or expressions (written or spoken) without the appropriate documentation;
  • Copying and pasting any material from any source without giving credit to the source;
  • Changing or substituting the words or order of words from another source and submitting then as one's own work;
  • Quoting another's words, sentences, etc. without acknowledgement of the sources;
  • Falsely creating data for an experiment or citing non-existent sources in any research;
  • Failing to cite the words, pictures, music or other forms of communication in any assessment;
  • The penalty for any act of academic dishonesty may include a grade of "F" for the assessment or assignment;


Student responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Reading and paraphrased, or quoted material from another's work;
  • Providing proper documentation for summarized, paraphrased, or quoted material form another's work;
  • Avoiding the copying of homework or letting others copy one's own homework;
  • Obtaining teacher's permission to work with others(other students, parents, tutors, etc.);


CEC utilizes GradeConnect, which allows students and parents to access and view academic progress.Conwell-Egan Catholic High School has enrolled all students in GradeConnect. Teachers are required to utilize GradeConnect to post quarter grades, homework assignments, due dates for projects, progress notices, etc. To obtain parent password access, parents will need their child's user name and password to set up a parent account. We encourage parents to use this as an additional tool in keeping up with their child's academic standing. Simply follow the instructions on the website for easy access. All Progress Reports and failure warning mid-year are given via GradeConnect. Parents can check the school calendar and the Eagle Eye for dates of Progress Reports.

Contact Information

Josh Bower
Contact Josh Bower, Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs, with questions.
215.945.6200 ext. 403

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Mid-Term Exams
End of 2nd Quarter / 1st Semester
Winter Formal
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