Procedure For Students Failing or In Danger of Failing a Course
Students who are in danger of failing a course or who have failed a course for the quarter and may be in danger of failing for another quarter should complete several steps in addition to their meeting with a counselor.
1. Contact the teacher to find out what areas you may need to improve and what help is available in that subject area. For example: Are you struggling with a particular type of formula in math and does the teacher offer extra help after school? Is National Honor Society Tutoring available? Are you doing all the homework and classwork? Do you participate in class? How do you prepare for the class? Have you checked Schoology? Do you arrive at school on time and do you go to school regularly? Do you make up missed work? Do you keep in contact with the teacher regularly?
2. Sign up for tutoring in the subject area when available or seek the teacher's help both in and out of class. Homework Zone is available Monday-Thursday after school from 2:30 to 5 in the Center for Student Leadership.
3. Parental involvement should include encouraging and supporting the child's academic growth and checking in with student's academic progress weekly.