2024-2025 Student Handbook

The Conwell-Egan Catholic High School community centers itself around three core values: Character, Excellence, and Commitment. With a focus on these core values, our Handbook strives to create a culture of respect and accountability. The purpose of the Student Handbook is to give students and their parents/guardians an understanding of the general rules and guidelines for attending and receiving an education in our school. Students and parents/guardians should be aware that this document is reviewed annually since policy and procedure adoption is an ongoing process.
All consequences for infractions will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and all disciplinary decisions will be made at the discretion of the Conwell-Egan Catholic administration.


ASD = After School Detention ASD → Held every Tuesday & Thursday
SD = Saturday Detention
ISS = In School Suspension
S = Suspension
E = Expulsion


After School Detention (Held every Tuesday & Thursday, 2:20-3pm)

  • Appearance violation
  • Food / drink / gum
  • Earbud violation
  • Late to class
  • Failure to return school forms
  • Defiance
  • Inappropriate action/language
  • Disruption in class
  • Out-of-Bounds (Minor)
  • Cell phone violation

Saturday Detention (Held October - May, One Saturday per month, 8-10am)

  • Cutting class
  • Poor conduct during assembly
  • Out-of-bounds (Major)
  • Disrespect
  • RUPT (Minor)
  • Academic integrity violation
  • Inappropiate action/behavior
  • Cell phone violation


  • Bullying
  • Theft
  • Fighting
  • Destruction of property
  • Possession/use of vape / smoking device
  • RUPT (Major)
  • Poor conduct during liturgy
  • Vandalism
  • Gross Disrespect
  • Academic integrity violation


  • Distribution/Possession/use of drugs /alcohol
  • Distribution/Possession/use of weapon
  • Threat/violence to school member/community
  • Sexual misconduct
  • Hate crime
  • Academic integrity violation
  • Gross disrepect
  • Bullying



Failure to attend:

  • After School Detention =Saturday Detention
  • Saturday Detention=Suspension


  • Skip ASD = SD
  • Skip SD = S
  • 5 After School Detention = Saturday Detention
  • 3 Saturday Detention = Suspension
  • 3 Suspension = Expulsion   
  • 45 After School Detention = Expulsion   
  • 9 Saturday Detention = Expulsion   
  • 3 Suspension = Expulsion   
  • 1 Suspension = loss of privileges and participation (one of the following: Athletics/Clubs/Activities, Dances, or Spirit Night)
  • 2 Suspensions = loss of all privileges and participation in Athletics/Clubs/Activities, Dances, and Spirit Night
  • 3 Suspensions = loss of privileges and participation in all school functions & will be subject to expulsion.

The following infractions are subject to after-school detention: appearance violation (uniform, facial hair, piercings, etc.); food, drink, or gum outside of cafeteria; earbuds; late to class; failure to return school forms; defiance
The following infractions are subject to Saturday detention: cutting class; cell phone; poor conduct during an assembly; inappropriate actions / language; out-of-bounds (before, during, or after school); disrespect
The following infractions are subject to suspension: bullying; theft; fighting; destruction of property; possession or use of vape, JUUL, or any other electronic smoking device; violation of the Responsible Use Policy for Technology; poor conduct during a Liturgy; vandalism; gross disrespect
The following infractions are subject to expulsion: possession or use of drugs or alcohol; possession or use of weapons or dangerous objects; making verbal threats, written threats or gestures / allusions to threats of self or others, any sexual or lude behavior, any conduct that is considered hateful towards an individual or group of people 


Ordinarily, a student has the right to privacy with regard to the school locker. It is the proper function, however, of school authorities or their representatives to inspect lockers under their control and vehicles on school property or at school sponsored events to prevent their use in any illicit ways or for illegal purposes.
To protect the safety and welfare of students and school personnel, school authorities, or their representatives may question and search a student, his/her personal effects, lockers, and vehicles used by the student and may seize any illegal, unauthorized, or contraband materials discovered in the search. Searches conducted by school authorities or their representatives may include, but not limited to, utilization of certified drug detection dogs or any devices used to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the school population. A student’s refusal or failure to permit such searches and seizures as provided in this policy will be considered grounds for disciplinary action, including suspension or dismissal from CEC.


Any student who possesses and/or uses a controlled substance on or around school property or at school-sponsored events will face disciplinary action. This policy applies to CEC students and their guests. All cases may be referred to law enforcement officials.
Any student suspected of using, selling, or possessing a controlled substance with intent to distribute may be referred to law enforcement officials and face failure in conduct and dismissal. Students who are in proximity of distribuition/possession/use of illegal substances will be held accountable as well. Students who bring a guest to any school function who is found to be in violation of this policy will be held accountable and face disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from school.


The following behaviors are prohibited:

  • Bullying;
  • Cyberbullying;
  • Harassment;
  • Retaliation against those reporting such defined behaviors; and
  • Making knowingly false accusations of bullying behavior.

Any person who engages in any of these prohibited behaviors that constitutes bullying shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary actions, including, but not limited to: suspension, dismissal, or contact of local authority.
Bullying and Cyberbullying Defined
Bullying, including cyberbullying, is any severe or pervasive physical or verbal act or conduct, including communications made in writing or electronically, directed toward a student or students that has or can be reasonably predicted to have the effect of one or more of the following:

  • Placing the student in reasonable fear of harm to their person or property
  • Causing a substantially detrimental effect on the student's physical or mental health
  • Substantially interfering with the student's academic performance
  • Substantially interfering with the student's ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by the school

Cyberbullying is defined as bullying through the use of technology or any electronic communication, including, but not limited to, a transfer of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, data, or intelligence of any nature transmitted by the use of any electronic device, including, but not limited to, a computer, telephone, cellular telephone, text messaging device or social media.



Catholic Schools of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia

Revised August 2024

The heart of our curriculum is timeless ~ love, truth, beauty, mercy. We teach about creation as well as the Creator. We educate on being in solidarity with those who suffer and how to cultivate a prayerful life.

In his message for the 48th World Communications Day, Pope Francis said that technology is a “gift from God.” The Pope challenged the Church to use this tool to promote the faith, asking how communication can “be at the service of an authentic culture of encounter?” Because of these things we are committed to participating in society. And to be committed to such participation requires using technology in appropriate ways.

We are interested in technology because of our faith.

We expect our students to utilize technology to think more critically, to communicate effectively, to express their creativity, and to conduct research. Our teachers have access to updated technology in their classrooms to engage our students and challenge them to learn in ways not previously imaginable. We empower students with the technical skills necessary to participate in a culture that is increasingly dependent upon technology, while also challenging them to be digital ambassadors spreading the Good News.

But it is our faith that guides how we use technology.

We teach our students about the ethics of technology and train them to be savvy about things like Internet privacy and safety. We teach the unfortunate reality of technology addiction. We remind students and parents that technology is aggressively marketed and to be careful about getting caught up in the hype.

We also acknowledge that we sometimes need to “unplug” from technology as it can cause us to become isolated from one another. We encourage family meals without screen time and the importance of communicating face to face.

We greatly value technology in our schools. And what makes technology most powerful, is when it serves to make our students better people!

Click here for the full 24-25 Responsible Use Policy for Technology for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.





(Cell phones, smart watches, earbuds, headphones, etc.)

All electronic devices must be in student lockers during the instructional day (7:30am - 2:15pm).  All electronic devices are not permitted in classrooms, hallways, study halls, 

Appropriate cell phone use is allowed in the cafeteria during lunch periods as well as in between class periods. Upon entering class, students are expected to place their cell phones in their assigned cell phone pocket in each classroom. If any students do not want to use their assigned classroom cell phone pockets, they can opt to keep their cell phones in their assigned lockers during the school day. Any student who is found with a cell phone during a class period will be issued a After School Detention. If confiscated, cell phones will be held in the Office for Student Life, which closes at 3:00 pm daily. Any cell phones that are not picked up by 3:00 pm will be held until the following day.

Wearable devices (such as Apple Watches) are not permitted for use during the school day. School-provided wired earbuds are permitted at teacher discretion for instructional purposes only.

If a student refuses to hand a cell phone over to a faculty or staff member when asked, he or she will be liable for disciplinary action and/or suspension.


Uniform Policy

Please click here for the 2023-2024 Uniform Infographic and price list. 

By choosing to attend Conwell-Egan Catholic High School, each student has agreed to wear the school uniform as described below. Parents and guardians are asked to support their son/daughter in complying with the uniform policy.
Inspection of uniforms will be performed daily. The uniform should be clean and neat at all times.

  • Students must arrive to school each day in full uniform.
  • Girls' jumpers are to be of an appropriate length (no shorter than 3" above the knee).
  • Stockings/socks should be free of holes.
  • No excessive jewelry such as chains, choker necklaces or similar items are permitted. With the exception of an understated, small nose piercing, other body piercing besides small stud earrings, for both boys and girls, is forbidden.
  • Extreme hairstyles or hair dyes are not permitted. Hair should not look unkempt.
  • Boys hair must be above the collar, no sideburns below the ear, and not in front of the eyes.
  • Tattoos must be covered at all times.
  • Gentlemen must be clean-shaven at all times.

Parents should send an explanatory note if a student is unable to wear the CEC uniform on a given day. All notes must be brought to the Office for Student Life before the start of first period. A doctor's note is required for the extended use (i.e. more than one day) of anything other than an approved uniform item and must be reviewed and approved by the Assistant Principal for Student Life.
On occasions such as field trips, when the uniform is not worn, the moderator will determine student dress code.
Any violation of the uniform policy will result in disciplinary action as outlined in the CEC Code of Conduct.
Uniform Standards
Girls' Uniform:

  • Navy blue Flynn & O'Hara v-neck jumper (worn no more than 3 inches above the knee)
  • Short or long sleeved Flynn & O'Hara oxford blouse
  • Only white undershirts permitted
  • Tan boat shoe (Sperry or other brand; can be two-toned)
  • Navy blue knee-highs or navy blue crew socks worn above the ankle
  • CEC quarter zip pullover (Optional)

Boys' Uniform:

  • Gray Flynn & O'Hara uniform dress pants
  • Solid black or brown belt
  • Short sleeve blue banded golf shirt with CEC logo
  • Only white undershirts permitted
  • Tan (Sahara) Sperry boat shoe 
  • Only solid black or blue dress socks, worn over the ankle
  • Pants should fit at the waist and break at the top of the shoe
  • All non-banded shirts should be tucked in
  • A long-sleeved undershirt may never be worn under a short-sleeved shirt
  • CEC quarter zip pullover (Optional) 

ALL Seniors may wear the royal blue cardigan embroidered with the school seal and their graduation year


As a member of the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA), Conwell-Egan Catholic and all student-athletes must adhere to the PIAA eligibility rules.
The following eligibility rules have been added by CEC within the PIAA guidelines:

  • As of each Friday during a grading period, any student-athlete who is failing 2 or more courses will lose their eligibility from the immediately following Sunday through the following Saturday.
  • At the conclusion of each grading quarter, any student-athlete who fails 2 or more courses will lose their eligibility for the first 15 school days of the next grading period, beginning on the first day that report cards are issued.
  • Any student who is suspended from school at any point during the schoo year may not be eligible to participate in sports. Any student that is suspended two or more times will NOT be eligible to participate in sports.

All athletic eligibility decisions will be made at the discretion of the Conwell-Egan Catholic administration.


At the beginning of each school year, all CEC students are eligible to participate in Spirit Night. The following eligibility guidelines for Spirit Night are in place beginning of the school year:

  • Any student who is suspended from school at any point during the school year may not be eligible to participate in Spirit Night. Any student who is suspended two or more times will NOT be eligible to participate in Spirit Night.
  • Any student who is failing 3 or more courses at the conclusion of the first semester is not eligible to participate in Spirit Night.
  • Any student with 10 or more unexcused absences or 15 or more unexcused latenesses at the conclusion of the first semester is not eligible to participate in Spirit Night.

All Spirit Night eligibility decisions will be made at the discretion of the Conwell-Egan Catholic administration.


CEC Students are expected to respect not only themselves and others, but also the physical building and property of Conwell-Egan Catholic High School. Any student who disrespects the physical property of CEC, including but not limited to, littering, graffiti, drawing on desks or walls, tampering with another student's belongings, or participation in any other type of destructive behavior, will be suspended in accordance with the CEC Code of Conduct.


Theft is taking the belongings of another person without his/her prior consent or knowledge. If a CEC student is speculated to be involved in any incident of theft, an investigation will be conducted by the CEC administration, and if found guilty of theft, the student will be suspended, and disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with the CEC Code of Conduct.

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