The primary mission of the Counseling Center at Conwell-Egan Catholic High School is to facilitate the maximum development of each student. The services offered are concerned with identity, maturity, problem-solving, conflict resolution, decision making, academic excellence, and college and career choices.
You can apply before taking the ACT/SAT, but should schedule your ACT/SAT before you complete the application. If you have already taken your ACT/SAT you should send those scores as soon as possible because it can take weeks to months for those scores to be received by colleges.
If you are a student athlete, and plan to play in college, you must send your ACT/SAT scores to the NCAA directly in order to register.
Quick links for
Financial Aid
Career Counseling
The career process at CEC starts as early as freshman year within the 9th grade seminar classes and continues throughout their time at CEC. The 9th grade counselor starts building the students' Resume within our Naviance platform. This allows the student to update this document every year.