(Updated April 9, 2020)
Governor Wolf has officially extended school closures for the remainder of the academic year.
Remote instruction continues for all students.
(Updated April 6, 2020)
CEC is closed indefinitely as requested by Governor Wolf but remote instruction continues for all students.
All scheduled school events are postponed indefinitely pending further notice.
(Updated March 28, 2020)
CEC will remain closed through Easter Monday (April 13, 2020).
(Updated March 23, 2020)
Conwell-Egan Catholic High School will be closed through Monday, April 6, 2020.
- Message to Community from Mr. Fischer
(Updated March 13, 2020)
Conwell-Egan Catholic High School will be closed through Friday, March 27, 2020.
ALL high schools, parish and regional elementary schools, schools of special education, PREP programs, and early learning centers in the five-county Archdiocese will close through Friday, March 27, 2020.The previous decision to suspend all extra-curricular and co-curricular activities including retreats, athletic events both on and off school grounds, field trips, and social events planned by elementary, secondary, and special education schools throughout the entire five-county Archdiocese stands. That suspension of activities will last through Friday, March 27th and be re-evaluated pending future developments.
(Updated March 12, 2020)
We have a number of upcoming events that have been cancelled or postponed. Please read below for more information:
- The Holy Family Regional Catholic School musical that was scheduled for this weekend (March 13-15) has been postponed. New date TBD.
- The St. Patrick’s Day Parade, which was scheduled for this Saturday (March 14) and begins at CEC, has been cancelled.
- The CEC EAST Conference Team was scheduled to attend the annual EAST Conference in Hot Springs, Arkansas next week (March 16-20). Our students will not be attending.
- The CEC Sports Hall of Fame, which was scheduled for next Thursday (March 19), has been cancelled.
We will continue to monitor updates coming from the CDC, the Department of Health, and the Archdiocese. As new information comes to us, we will communicate it out to our entire school community. Changes pertaining to our spring musical (March 26-28) and Spirit Night (April 23-25) will be communicated as decisions are made regarding each event.
Thank you for your patience and support during this challenging time. The health and safety of our students will continue to be our top priority.
(Updated March 13, 2020)
CEC (and all other Archdiocesan schools) are closed for two weeks through March 27.
Instruction, assignments, and assessments will continue, however. Content-related communications will be sent by your teachers via email and/or Google Classroom. Be sure you are checking both frequently on a daily basis. Online learning will begin on Tuesday, March 17.
For additional information, please read the bullet points below:
- The primary source of communication between teachers and students will be Google Classroom. Teachers may also utilize additional instructional resources.
- Any student, who for any reason does not have access to one of their classes in Google Classroom, should contact Mr. Bower via email jbower@conwell-egan.org.
- Any student having issues accessing their CEC email account should contact Mr. Ginter via email cginter@conwell-egan.org.
- Teachers will be communicating with students daily.
- The 9th grade Academic Enrichment classes and the 10th grade Sophomore Seminar classes will be suspended until students return to school.
- All students enrolled in the Holy Family University and Bucks County Community College dual enrollment courses will be online for the foreseeable future. The instructors will be in contact with the students enrolled in the classes.
- Students are responsible for communicating with their teachers and completing all assignments during this time period.
- If any student does not have access to internet at home, please communicate that information privately to Mr. Bower jbower@conwell-egan.org immediately so he can collaborate with the teachers on an alternative learning plan.
- Any student who needs to retrieve books or resources from their locker will be able to access the building on Monday, March 16, between 8am and 3pm.
This online learning model is new to our school community. We understand that there will be an adjustment period for both teachers and students. That being said, we urge you to be engaged learners while being proactive in completing assignments daily. All students are expected to follow the responsible use policy for technology, which can be found in the CEC student handbook on our website.
Additional Resources