Careers in Healthcare in CSL

As part of National Athletic Training month, students interested in pursuing careers in different healthcare fields came to the Center for Student Leadership for both an information and a question & answer session. 

Bryce Vorters from CEC Athletics/Novacare spearheaded the session - inviting colleagues Coady Knowles, DPT & Jennifer Kalesh, EMT PA-S to speak to Physical Therapy, Emergency Medical Services, and how to become a Physician's Assistant. Also coming to the CSL was Shelby Weiss, BSN studying to become a nurse practitioner. Students were given a general rundown of the different paths in healthcare; majors to choose from, anticipated coursework, cost of programs, etc. These students were either interested in these career fields, or part of Mrs. Fitzpatrick's Anatomy Classes!

Thank you to all of our professionals who came out to the Center for Student Leadership today!

Careers in Healthcare in CSL

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