The primary mission of the Guidance Department of Conwell-Egan Catholic High School is to facilitate the maximum development of each student.  The services offered are concerned with identity, maturity, problem-solving, conflict resolution, decision making, academic excellence, and college and career choices.

Counselors are available throughout the day to meet with students.  A student may make an appointment to see a counselor by filling out a form in the Guidance office (Room 107).

School Counselors

Grade 9 - Ms. Morgan Fienman
ext. 414
First-floor guidance suite

Grade 10 - Ms. Melissa Spain
ext. 414
First-floor Guidance suite

Grade 11 - Ms. Pamela Meyers
ext. 413
First-floor Guidance Suite

Grade 12 - TBA
Ext. 413
First-floor guidance suite


Catapult Learning counselors and teachers provide some services at Conwell-Egan Catholic High School These services are paid for by Pennsylvania Act 89, which provides auxiliary services to nonpublic schools


Academic Counseling assists the student in making responsible decisions regarding course selections. Counselors interview students who are not achieving their full academic potential in order to assist them.  If a student experiences an issue in a particular class it is the policy of the School Counseling Office that the student, his/her parent, or his/her guardian make contact with the teacher directly to attempt to resolve the issue. If this proves ineffective at resolving the issue the principal is to be contacted along with the school counselor.

In addition to the general academic counseling support offered by the department, Catapult Learning offers academic assistance in mathematics, study strategies, and general academic performance. To inquire about or utilize these services please contact the Director of School Counseling and reference the Catapult Learning Service that interests you.

Career Counseling provides information regarding career exploration. Counselors also help students make responsible decisions regarding vocational choices. Students can access career interest inventories on Naviance and discuss results with their counselors.

College Counselingprovides information regarding college entrance requirements and sources of financial aid. A Financial Aid Evening is offered to parents prior to their completing the required financial aid forms for state and federal monies.

Naviance:  Conwell-Egan Catholic High School uses the Naviance College and Career Readiness System for our college application process and career exploration work. To register, visit for more information contact the guidance office or your school>

Personal Counseling is available to help a student gain better self-awareness. Personal counseling objectives are effective self-confidence, decision-making, problem-solving, goal setting, and human relations skills. School counselors (school and intermediate unit) and the school minister provide these services.

Procedure For Students Failing or In Danger of Failing a Course

Students who are in danger of failing a course or who have failed a course for the quarter and may be in danger of failing for another quarter should complete several steps in addition to their meeting with a counselor.

  1. Contact the teacher to find out what areas you may need to improve and what help is available in that subject area. For example: Are you struggling with a particular type of formula in math and does the teacher offer extra help after school? Is National Honor Society Tutoring available? Are you doing all homework and classwork? Do you participate in class? How do you prepare for the class? Do you use an agenda book? Do you arrive at school on time and do you go to school regularly? Do you make up missed work? Do you keep in contact with the teacher regularly?
  2. Sign up for tutoring in the subject area when available or seek the teacher’s help both in and out of class.
  3. Parental involvement should include encouraging and supporting the child’s academic growth and checking in with student’s academic progress weekly.

Procedure for Re-Entry After Crisis or Mental Health Emergency Issue

Some students may be out of school for a crisis or mental health emergency.  If a student is found to be a danger to him/herself or others the counselor will refer the student out for appropriate evaluation. The student will be kept in the counselor's office until a parent or guardian can pick the student up.The student will not be permitted to return to school until they have received an evaluation by a mental health professional. If the result of the evaluation is that the student is no longer a danger to themselves or others then a note, on letterhead, from the evaluating licensed mental health professional must be provided. (It is not sufficient to have a note stating that the student was seen on a particular date.) The counselor will provide a sheet with the details regarding the required note before the student leaves the building.Once the professional letter has been obtained, the student and parent will meet with the Director of School Counseling Services as well as an administrator. At this meeting a plan for the student's well-being going forward will be discussed, the note will be presented, and the counselor will ask the family to sign a release of information permitting the counselor to call to check the progress of the student in relation to the identified issue.

Contact the Counseling Center

Jenny Casey
Contact Ms. Jenny Casey, Director of Counseling, with any questions.
215-945-6200 Ext. 424

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