Health & Wellness

Conwell-Egan Catholic High School, within the tradition of our Catholic faith, collaborates to build character through service, achieve academic excellence, and demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning.

School Nurse

Conwell-Egan Catholic is served by a nursing staff provided through Bristol Township School District. We have a school nurse on-hand daily from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. and Wednesdays from 7:30 am - 2:30 pm. 

Absence / Illness

To report your child's absence, please call the absentee line directly at 215-945-6200, followed by #, when prompted. All absentees must be called in before 8 am or your child will be reported as truant. This is a change from the past and is mandated by Pennsylvania Law.

In the event that your child becomes ill at school and has to be picked up early, either the school nurse or a staff member from the Office for Student Life will contact the person(s) listed on the emergency card. Emergency cards are distributed at the start of the school year and should include the names of any individuals to whom your child may be released in the event of an early dismissal. No student will be released to any individual other than those listed on their emergency card, even if verified by a parent/guardian via email or phone call. Please note that proper identification is required upon pick-up.

Early Dismissals/Late Arrivals

If your child is leaving school early for an appointment, he or she must bring a completed early dismissal form to the Office for Student life before 7:30 am on the day they are planning to leave early. No forms will be accepted after 7:30 am.

If your child will be arriving late for any reason, a signed late arrival form must be brought to the Office for Student Life upon returning to school.

Any early dismissal or late arrival due to a doctor's appointment or court appearance will be considered excused if verification is provided along with the early dismissal/late arrival form.

In the event of an extended absence, please contact the Office for Student Life at 215-945-6200 ext. 408/409.

Immunization Information

To all students entering 12th grade:
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has immunization requirements for all students in public and private schools. All incoming seniors will need a second dose of their meningococcal conjugate vaccine by the 5th day of school or they will be excluded from school. Please send a current copy of your child's vaccination record to the school nurse as soon as possible. The fax number for the health office is 267-712-2067. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

*All students who are new to Conwell-Egan need to present proof of a current vaccination record in order to start school. 

Physical Examination Requirements

Physical exams are required by the State of Pennsylvania for grade 11.
You can either fax them to the nurse (267-712-2067) or email them to the nurse ( If physicals are not received by September 30th of the current school year, then your child will be scheduled to see the school health provider. 

For all incoming students in grade 9 and students new to the school:
A current IMMUNIZATION RECORDS AND A BRISTOL TOWNSHIP SCHOOL DISTRICT  HEALTH HISTORY FORM #40 must be completed and either faxed or emailed to the school nurse BY AUGUST 1ST. FAILURE TO DUE SO MAY DELAY THE START DATE FOR THE STUDENT. (Do not rely on their previous school sending records over the summer. Many times they are not received in the health office until October, if at all). Nurse's fax number is 267-712-2067. Nurse's email is 

Bristol Township Health History Form
Bristol Township Physical Form
PIAA Physical Form - Required for all student-athletes prior to tryouts.

Contact Information

Team member Headshot

Chris Dileonardo

Assistant Principal for Student Life

215.945.6200 ext. 408 / 409

Upcoming Events

NO SCHOOL - Principal's Holiday
Mass Schedule
9:30 am
NO SCHOOL - President's Day (Teacher Professional Development)
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