Faith & Service

The Catholic faith is the heart of who we are at Conwell-Egan Catholic High School. Our Catholic Faith isn't just at the center of our name at Conwell-Egan Catholic High School, but it is the center of everything we do.

The Office of School Ministry aims to help students take the Catholic faith that they learn in the classroom and help them put it into action in their own lives. The students are built up in their faith through the celebration of our Franciscan and Marian traditions through Masses, prayer services, retreats, and other activities. They are then encouraged to live their faith through clubs, activism, service, and participation in the life of the Church.

Students praying
Student with cross in his hands

Liturgy and the Sacraments

Celebrating the Divine Liturgy is central to the Catholic identity of CEC. Several times throughout the year, students will engage with priests from around Bucks County to celebrate Mass as a school community.

In addition to Mass, there are a number of other opportunities for students to experience the sacraments, including prayer services, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and Eucharistic Adoration.


There are clubs moderated and facilitated through the Office of School Ministry.

Clubs include:

  • CSC (Community Service Corps)
  • Lit Team
  • Students for Life
Student on the altar

Feel free to reach out to our School Chaplain, Father Mike Speziale at or Campus Minister Matthew Smith at

Please keep the CEC Office of School Ministry in your prayers as we continue to serve our great student community.

Contact Information

Team member Headshot

Father Matthew Smith

Campus Minister

215-945-6200 ext. 446

Upcoming Events

Mass Schedule
9:30 am
Class of 2027 Retreat (Full Day)
Ash Wednesday Mass
9:30 am
All Events
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