Current Parents & Students

Below are resources for current students and parents. View information regarding the Handbook, Bell Schedule, Medical Forms, Cafeteria Info, Uniforms and more.

Conwell-Egan Student Handbook

The Conwell-Egan Catholic High School community centers itself around three core values: Character, Excellence, and Commitment. With a focus on these core values, our Handbook strives to create a culture of respect and accountability while cultivating leaders, inspiring scholars, and serving God.

2024-2025 Student handbook

Eagle Eye Newsletter

The Eagle Eye Newsletter is CEC's weekly newsletter to keep parents/students informed of news, announcements, and upcoming events. Eagle Eye is sent every Friday. We encourage you to keep your contact information (including e-mail address) up to date so that you continue to receive important CEC news and information. Please call our Main Office at 215-945-6200 Ext. 400 to report any changes to your contact information.

Cafeteria Information

Students have the option of packing or purchasing lunch each day in the CEC Cafeteria. Menu options change daily. The school store is also open each day during lunch.

We are proud and excited to be able to offer an improved online pre-payment service for our food service program: PaySchools Central!

Learn how to enroll in PaySchools. By signing up for an account, you will have the ability to check your child's current account balance, request activity reports, and set up low balance email notifications.

Transportation Information

Bus transportation is available to Conwell-Egan Catholic from many school districts. View all of the CEC transportation details here and additional resources below.

Any student requesting a parking permit should submit the Student Permit Parking form to Mr. Christopher DiLeonardo in the Assistant Principal for Student Life Office, Room 115.  Parking permit fee is included in the School Fee.


CEC utilizes PowerSchool, which allows students and parents to access and view academic progress.

Conwell-Egan Catholic High School has enrolled all students in PowerSchool. Teachers utilize PowerSchool to post grades and progress notices throughout the school year. Parents/Guardians are given their own account linked to their child(s) account, in order to monitor academic and disciplinary progress. We encourage parents/guardians to use this as an additional tool in keeping up with their child's academic and disciplinary standing. All Progress Reports and failure warnings will be given via PowerSchool. It is Conwell-Egan Catholic's expectation that parents/guardians closely monitor their child's progress via PowerSchool. Parents/Guardians can check the school calendar and the Eagle Eye for dates of Progress Reports.

View instructions on how to create your PowerSchool account.

Parents and students that have already signed up can log in here.

If you have questions about PowerSchool please contact the Office of Academics at 215-945-6200 Ext. 406.

Health & Wellness

School Nurse

Conwell-Egan Catholic is served by a nursing staff provided through Bristol Township School District. We have a school nurse on-hand every day, from 8 am - 12 pm, and on Wednesdays from 8 am - 2 pm.


To report your child's absence, please call the absentee line directly at 215-945-6200, followed by #, when prompted. All absentees must be called in before 8 am or your child will be reported as truant. This is a change from the past and is mandated by Pennsylvania Law.

Early Dismissals/Late Arrivals

If your child is leaving school early for an appointment, he or she must submit an early dismissal form to the Office for Student life before 7:30 am on the day they are planning to leave early. No forms will be accepted after 7:30 am.

If your child will be arriving late for any reason, a late arrival form must be submitted to the Office of Student Life.

Click here to submit an Early Dismissal/Late Arrival form

Any early dismissal or late arrival due to a doctor's appointment or court appearance will be considered excused if verification is provided along with the early dismissal/late arrival form.

In the event of an extended absence, please contact the Office for Student Life at 215-945-6200 ext. 408/409, or email Mr. Christopher DiLeonardo at

Immunization Information

To all incoming students in 12th grade for the 2023-2024 school year:

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has immunization requirements for all students in public and private schools. All incoming seniors will need a second dose of their meningococcal conjugate vaccine by the 5th day of school, or they will be excluded from school. Please send a current copy of your child's vaccination record to the school nurse as soon as possible. The fax number for the health office is 267-712-2067.

Physical Examination Requirements / Medical Forms

Physical exams are required by the State of Pennsylvania for grade 11.
You can either fax them to the nurse (267-712-2067) or email them to the nurse ( If physicals are not received by September 30th of the current school year, then your child will be scheduled to see the school health provider. 


For all incoming students in grade 9 and students new to the school:
Current IMMUNIZATION RECORDS AND A BRISTOL TOWNSHIP SCHOOL DISTRICT HEALTH HISTORY FORM #40 must be completed and either faxed or emailed to the school nurse BY AUGUST 1ST. FAILURE TO DUE SO MAY DELAY THE START DATE FOR THE STUDENT. (Do not rely on their previous school sending records over the summer. Many times they are not received in the health office until October, if at all). Nurse's fax number is 267-712-2067. Nurse's email is 

Uniform Information

Uniform items must be purchased online or at the following store:

Flynn and O'Hara School Uniforms
10905 Dutton Road
Philadelphia, PA 19154

Click here for the Uniform Infographic & price list

Academic Integrity

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia and CEC's mission is to foster a community of trust that will enhance student achievement. It is in that spirit of mutual trust that we uphold the highest ethical academic standards.

Academic Integrity Policy

Academic Integrity or honesty includes but is not limited to:

  • Producing one's own work;
  • Attributing others' work according to the Modern Language Association(MLA) guidelines;
  • Abiding by the rules and regulations set forth by individual school policies;
  • Maintaining honor and trust in all academic affairs;

Cheating includes but is not limited to:

  • Copying or allowing others to copy from someone's work (tests, assignments, etc.);
  • Unauthorized use of electronic devices, i.e. netbooks, calculators, cell phones, smart phones, I-Pads, Language Translators, etc.);
  • Sabotaging the projects or experiments of others;
  • Altering of a graded assessment and resubmitting it in another course without the teacher's permission or knowledge;
  • Seeking unauthorized assistance on take-home or make-up assignments or assessments;

Plagiarism includes but is not limited to:

  • Using another person's words, ideas or expressions (written or spoken) without the appropriate documentation;
  • Copying and pasting any material from any source without giving credit to the source;
  • Changing or substituting the words or order of words from another source and submitting then as one's own work;
  • Quoting another's words, sentences, etc. without acknowledgement of the sources;
  • Falsely creating data for an experiment or citing non-existent sources in any research;
  • Failing to cite the words, pictures, music or other forms of communication in any assessment;
  • The penalty for any act of academic dishonesty may include a grade of "F" for the assessment or assignment;


Student responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Reading and paraphrased, or quoted material from another's work;
  • Providing proper documentation for summarized, paraphrased, or quoted material form another's work;
  • Avoiding the copying of homework or letting others copy one's own homework;
  • Obtaining teacher's permission to work with others(other students, parents, tutors, etc.)


School Colors
Royal Blue and White

School Mascot

Conwell-Egan Catholic is a member of the Philadelphia Catholic League (PCL), long recognized as one of the finest leagues in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

CEC is also a member of the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association or PIAA, which is the governing body of athletics in the state of Pennsylvania.

Sports Fees
Included in the School Fee

*All students are required to fill out a PIAA Physical Form prior to trying out for any athletic team.

We are excited to announce that Conwell-Egan Catholic is now offering the convenience of online sports registration through Arbiter Registration, formerly known as FamilyID.

  • Fall Sports Registration is NOW OPEN. Winter and Spring sports registration will be announced and available in August.
  • Arbiter Registration is a secure registration platform that provides you with an easy, user-friendly way to register for our sports programs. When you register through Arbiter Registration, the system keeps track of your information in your profile. You enter your information only once for each family member for multiple uses and multiple programs.

  • Be sure to have your PIAA physical from the doctor(page 6) completed as well as a picture of your insurance card. All other information from the Physical form will be collected here.

  • If you already have a FamilyID or ArbiterRegistration account, a parent/guardian can register their student by clicking on this link:

    If you DO NOT have an account yet, follow the steps below.
  • Registering as a new user on Arbiter Registration is simple. Follow these steps:
  • First, create and activate your Arbiter Registration account.
    • 1. If you have not already done so, create an Arbiter Registration account here.
    • 2. After you sign up for an account please check your inbox for an Activation Email from Arbiter Registration. You'll need to click the link in that email to activate your account.
    • 3. Once you have activated your account, you will be ready to register for our sports programs at this link:​​​​​​​
  • Please click here to read a help article on how to register for the first time.

PCL Hazing/Bullying Statement 
PCL Policy on Contact Sports

Director of Athletics
Michael Miller
215-945-6200 ext. 421

for schedules, gameday information, scores, and more!

Additional Forms

Upcoming Events

Mid-Term Exams
End of 2nd Quarter / 1st Semester
Winter Formal
7:00 pm
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