School Leadership

Our mission is at the heart of everything we do. Conwell-Egan Catholic High School, within the tradition of our Catholic faith, collaborates to build character through service, achieve academic excellence, and demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning.

Matthew Fischer
Mr. Matthew Fischer '04
215-945-6200 ext. 402
Josh Bower
Mr. Josh Bower
215-945-6200 ext. 404
Christopher DiLeonardo
Mr. Christopher DiLeonardo
Assistant Principal for Student Life
215-945-6200 ext. 408/409
Team member Headshot
Mr. Jordan Schiavo '13
Assistant Principal for Academics
215-945-6200 ext. 403

Advancement Office

William Burns Headshot
Mr. William Burns '73
Director of Advancement
215-945-6200 ext. 415
Stephanie Marriott Headshot
Mrs. Stephanie Marriott '03
Director of Events & Alumni Engagement
215-945-6200 Ext. 416
Sandra Stricker Headshot
Mrs. Sandra Stricker '85
Database Manager
Team member Headshot
Mr. Patrick Donlen '74
Director of Alumni Relations and Development
215-945-6200 ext. 418

​​​​​​​Admissions Office

Michelle Delfin photo
Mrs. Michelle Delfin '98
Director of Admissions & Retention
215-945-6200 ext. 405
Team member Headshot
Anthony Micalizzi
Director of Enrollment Management
215-945-6200 ext. 410


Mike Miller Headshot
Mr. Mike Miller
Athletic Director
215-945-6200 ext. 421
Team member Headshot
Mr. Jack Techtmann '72
Assistant Athletic Director
Team member Headshot
Regina Wilson
Athletic Trainer
215-945-6200 ext. 435

School Ministry

Team member Headshot
Mr. Matthew Smith
Director of Campus Ministry
215-945-6200 ext. 420
Team member Headshot
Fr. Mike Speziale
School Chaplain
215-945-6200 ext. 420


Tony Goodman
Mr. Tony Goodman
Director of Student Culture
215-945-6200 ext. 409
Thomas Kuchler Headshot
Mr. Thomas Kuchler
Director of Performing Arts
215-945-6200 ext. 423
Jenny Diamond Headshot
Ms. Jenny Casey
Director of Counseling
215-945-6200 ext. 424
Team member Headshot
Mr. Barry Roxberry
Director of Facilities
215-945-6200 ext. 400
Team member Headshot
Mr. Bob Dinan '02
Director of the Center for Student Leadership
215-945-6200 ext. 444
Team member Headshot
Mr. Evan Matos
Director of Technology
215-945-6200 ext. 419

Administrative Assistants

Team member Headshot
Mrs. Kathy Taylor
Administrative Assistant,
Student Life
215-945-6200 ext. 409
Team member Headshot
Mrs. Roberta Centofanti
Administrative Assistant,
Student Life
215-945-6200 ext. 408
Team member Headshot
Mrs. Roe Stradling
Administrative Assistant, Main Office
215-945-6200 ext. 401

Upcoming Events

NO SCHOOL - Principal's Holiday
Mass Schedule
9:30 am
NO SCHOOL - President's Day (Teacher Professional Development)
All Events
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